Handmade Software Room
There are freewares which I made.
I made much softwear, but what can be exhibited is only this.
EMS manager for OASYS Pocket3
(Last update:1997-12-25)
This tool changes PCMCIA SRAM card parameter(BPB).
It run on the OASYS Pocket3. Maybe, run on the other machines, but not tested.
(Last update:2005-09-15)
dosterm is termnal software for MS-DOS, made by Eizi TOYODA.
Simple and beautiful tool for serial port operation.
And I make patch version.
(Last update:2006-07-25)
It is more, not less.
However, in various machines of DOS, this can be adapted for various columns and various rows.
(Last update:1997-05-01)
It outputs file's timestump with second to standard output.
If DOS's dir command outputs with second, I didn't make it.
Probably, it is DOS generic.
(Last update:2002-04-06)
It takes the time of network server, and sets own computer as the time.
It is using TIME protocol(RFC868). Therefore, it is not so accurate. But it is using in LAN that is small transmission delay, it is usuful.
If you can't get the TIME server softwere, please use the following, timesrv.
It is DOS generic, but needs TEEN as TCP/IP protocol stack.
(Last update:2002-10-20)
It takes the time of network server, and sets own computer as the time.
It is using SNTP(RFC2030), probably it is more slightly accurate than above timeset.
It is DOS generic, but needs TEEN as TCP/IP protocol stack.
(Last update:2002-11-01)
It compares two files, and deletes one of the two if those contents are the same.
It is DOS generic.
(Last update:2003-11-01)
It compares files, and deletes one if those contents are the same.(for Windows3.1)
This tool may operate in Win32, but not tested.
(Last update:2003-04-15)
This makes a WEB server that have CGI function to PROXY server.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2002-10-01)
It encodes strings to URL format, and reverses left and right.
It is convenient when using the above fake proxy, but seldom uses.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2002-05-01)
It is time server using TIME protocol.
This protocol is low precision than SNTP. Although I needed it, the freeware which runs on Windows was not found. Therefore, I made it.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2002-10-10)
Execute application and register 'Recent files'.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2000-08-11)
This outputs the list of directories to standard output.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2002-06-15)
This finds a file which is matching the criteria specified and outputs the file name to standard output.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
This is same as file search of a "Start Menu." However, it can execute at a command line, and a result is written out to standard output, so the application range may be wide.
(Last update:2002-07-20)
This tool gets the information from an WEB server, and executes the command specified when the value is different than before.
For example, this can be used when setting a WEB server in a home, without using Dynamic DNS.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2003-06-20)
This seeks the global IP address of own machine from an SMTP server, and executes the command specified when the value is different than before.
The above "NiCe" is a general-purpose tool which acquires information using HTTP, but it used only for acquisition of global IP. This tool which specialized in the purpose was made. Since the purpose was unification, a setup is simple.
Since SMTP is used for informational acquisition, it is not necessary the server which can use CGI.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2005-05-20)
These programs are connected to a server and get information by each protocol, and they output to standard output.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
Probably, it will be good to make the front end which handles these tools since it will be hard to use if these only use. For example, the sample made from the Vz editor's macro is in the Vz editor's page.
I recommend 'nkf' which is in a Vector for conversion of various character codes.
If you use 16bits application in commad prompt, you don't use latest Japanese IME of Windows95/etc. If you want to enter the Japanese, you must use an outdated IME or need to put up with inconbeniences.
This application is a little bit above eliminate inconveniences.
For example, the sample made from the Vz editor's macro is in the Vz editor's page.
This tool may execute on Windows95/98 etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2008-04-30)
This software prints to standard output laptop battery status.
This tool may execute on WindowsME/XP etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2011-04-21)
This software outputs to standard output the number of files and the file size sum total of folders/files which were specified.
These are the same as what is displayed when the property of folders/files is seen by GUI.
This tool may execute on WindowsXP etc, but test is imperfect.
(Last update:2012-10-04)